The Cuban American Bar Association’s May 29 CLE “Mental Health and the Practice of Law: Can There be a Balance?” was moderated by The Honorable Nushin G. Sayfie with panelists The Honorable Alicia L. Latimore and Kozyak Tropin partner Javier A. Lopez. Opening up about their personal experiences, the speakers shared advice on managing stress, avoiding burnout, and building habits. Here are some key takeaways from the webinar.
Recognizing when stress is out of hand
The legal profession inherently carries significant stress, but it’s important to notice when stress becomes unmanageable. Focusing on prevention and having a solid base of tools and coping mechanisms can help. Creating boundaries and disconnecting from technology, what Javier referred to as the “electronic leash,” is vital. This way, you can focus on the things that truly matter and bring joy to your life.
Establishing a wellness routine—start small
Even if you’re not naturally disciplined, Judge Latimore believes that you can learn to prioritize what’s important. Recognizing burnout and taking time to assess personal needs is essential for making sound decisions and maintaining health. Being intentional about wellness practices and self care is also key. Starting with one small daily practice and making it a priority can lead to success. Bite-sized goals like a one-minute meditation per day are achievable and can help build wellness habits.
Maintaining other aspects of wellness, such as nutrition and exercise, plays a crucial role. Meditation apps like Insight Timer can also be beneficial.
Ongoing therapy and support
All three speakers advocated for regular therapy, especially during life challenges like divorce, illness, or loss. Judge Latimore shared her own experience of dealing with nightmares and stress when she first became a judge and sought professional help. Javier did the same when he experienced depression after his father’s passing in 2013. Therapy, they emphasized, is not something to be ashamed of and should be maintained even during good times. Therapy is akin to regular exercise for the mind and helps you cope and grow through life’s ups and downs.
Supporting others
If you suspect someone you know is struggling, approach the situation with curiosity and vulnerability rather than judgment. Javier shared an example of how vulnerability and listening can lead to meaningful support, recounting how he received calls from judges seeking resources after he shared his own mental health struggles.
Finding balance and joy
Judge Latimore underscored the importance of knowing your limits and not trying to be superhuman. Identifying and pursuing your passions, establishing routines that promote health and happiness, and intentionally focusing on what brings joy and what truly matters to you can significantly improve your mental well-being and create a healthier, more fulfilling life.
If you need support, please call The Florida Lawyers Helpline at 1-833-351-9355 or find more information here.
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